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Original Kriya Yoga according to the Tradition of Babaji and Shyama Charan Lahiri

What is Original Kriya Yoga?

Kriya Yoga is a form of yoga that includes specific breathing techniques (pranayamas). These breathing exercises are designed to cleanse the various nadis (energy channels) in the body. Additionally, a universal bija mantra is used to promote advanced states of consciousness and guide practitioners to paravastha, dhyana, or samadhi.


Through the practice of Kriya Yoga, all eight stages and states of consciousness described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras are naturally achieved over time.


Why Practise Kriya Yoga?

This form of yoga is simple and highly effective for improving physical and mental health, as well as enhancing energy and cognitive abilities. However, all these benefits are merely side effects of the ultimate goal of Kriya Yoga. Kriya Yoga is a complete spiritual path, whose primary objective is to attain the Divine. The word "Yoga" means "union" – the union with the universal source from which everything originates.


What Distinguishes Original Kriya Yoga from Other Forms of Kriya Yoga?

Original Kriya Yoga is a simple, systematic, step-by-step, and natural approach. It is free from specific beliefs or religious affiliations, although it originates from India and the ancient tradition of Sanatana Dharma (the eternal truth).


There are various lineages of Kriya Yoga, including that of Swami Yogananda, who became world-famous through his book Autobiography of a Yogi (first published in 1946 and regularly reprinted).


In the lineage of Original Kriya Yoga (KYO), the techniques have remained unchanged since their inception. Nothing has been added or removed, which plays a crucial role in their effectiveness.


KYO is a complete practice that can safely and gradually lead practitioners to spiritual realization.


It is highly likely that the techniques of Original Kriya Yoga were those taught by Shyama Charan Lahiri to his most advanced students. These techniques activate all the chakras, step by step, including the higher chakras.

higher chakras

This diagram shows schematically the different upper chakras, which are activated by KYO practice. In his books, Sri Rangin Mukherjee explains step by step how to achieve those chakras. This is the only accessible Kriya yogi who transmits this knowledge and the initiation to open the 3rd eye. The final step also includes the piercing of the Bindu to the Mula chakra for ultimate liberation.


Origin and History of Original Kriya Yoga

The history of Kriya Yoga dates back to the beginning of time and has always been known in India under various names, collectively referred to as Kriyas. These Kriyas are techniques for cleansing and regenerating the body, mind, and emotions.


In Original Kriya Yoga (KYO), the practice brings about a profound purification of body and mind. However, the ultimate goal is self-realization—the understanding of the true nature of humanity. This spiritual dimension, present in each of us, is blocked by false identifications. These prevent us from living in the present moment and recognizing our true nature, which is described as Sat Chit Ananda (Being, Consciousness, Bliss).


The Kriya Yoga passed down in our tradition originated from the meeting of a Himalayan yogi named Babaji and a truth seeker from Varanasi, Shyama Charan Lahiri.


In 1861, Shyama Charan Lahiri was initiated into Kriya Yoga in a cave in the Himalayas near the city of Ranikhet. Following this extraordinary event, Lahiri Mahasaya transmitted the practices of Kriya Yoga to numerous students. One of his most advanced students was Swami Pranabananda Giri, who is mentioned in Swami Yogananda’s book as the "Saint with Two Bodies."


Swami Pranabananda Giri initiated Sri Gyanendra Nath Mukhopadhyay, who in turn passed on the same Kriya Yoga to Sri Rangin Mukherjee from Kolkata.


Since 1861, Kriya Yoga has been transmitted unchanged from master to student, always in an individualized manner.


Initiation into Original Kriya Yoga 

The goal of initiation is the opening of the third eye, as explained by the current master of Original Kriya Yoga (KYO), Sri Rangin Mukherjee:

"Your parents raise you so that you can access the material world and live in society. The master of KYO opens your third eye so that you can gain access to the spiritual world."


The initiation also connects you with the tradition of the Himalayan masters and the lineage of KYO Yogis.


Why is Initiation Important?

This first step is crucial because, without it, the practice will bear no fruit. Without the opening of the third eye, it will be difficult to gain access to the spiritual world and develop the inner master.


After the initiation, you will receive theoretical instruction explaining the various dimensions of KYO. This is followed by a guided and supervised group practice to ensure the techniques are learned correctly. The day concludes with a session to address any remaining questions.


At the end of the seminar, you will receive a document detailing the techniques and important points to consider, along with a bibliography to help you deepen your knowledge.